/home/karlrees/public_html/gallery2/bla Journal | Wayne and Rebecca Madsen
All our major writings, including weekly updates.
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wayne's picture

head on the floor

I intended to write this email last night after Paela went to sleep. Instead, Rebecca found me asleep on the floor next to Paela's bed at 9:30. There is a reason for this:

On Saturday we threw a pacifier party for Paela. It wasn't because either Rebecca or I was ready to move onto the next developmental stage, but because Paela had finally chewed through her last pacifier. At this point, neither Rebecca or I were willing to go buy new pacifiers for an (almost) 2 1/2 year old. So, instead we decided to help her give up the pacifier in place for a new comfort object.

We invited Camilla and Victor over to celebrate pacifiers. We let Paela have the pacifier all day long. We talked about how wonderful it had been to have a pacifier and how we can say good-bye. We made her favorite food (rice) and had lots of balloons. Then, we went to the Disney store.  read more »

rebecca's picture

are you okay?

Paela liked to ask me if I was okay every time I coughed the first day my cold went to "bad cough" stage. Previously, coughing was just something people did when they swallowed wrong. And so we would always ask if said person was "okay" and pat them on the back. So when Paela would ask this week if I was "okay" I would reply, "yes, I'm just sick." Just sick.  read more »

rebecca's picture

no, i never ever ______

Someone is learning the meaning of "never." Or, at least, trying to. Take today, for example: 

W: Let's take a picture. Say cheese, Paela!

P: No, I not take cheese. I never take cheese. 


W: It's not really that cold outside.

P: It's never, ever cold. It's warm. 

wayne's picture

Back at work

The first day of Rebecca back at work wasn't the worst. That was the second day. The one when Aderyn screamed as if I was doing unspeakable horrors to her as I tried to feed her a bottle. That was the worst day.

Camilla came. I knew she was coming with Cameron, but I forgot to mention this to Rebecca. I was out picking up a painting from a show that had just come down when Camilla gave Rebecca an entertaining scare.  read more »

rebecca's picture

be loud now

Oh, the adventures Paela's Little People go on. It is satisfying to her that Paela learns some of the things we try to teach her; sometimes her Little People are our first clue that she has learned something. For example, today I overheard her telling her Little People to "play quietly because Chicken is sleeping." Chicken is actually a stuffed duck, but Paela calls it Chicken.

Of course, knowing she "should" play quietly, and actually doing so are two different things. Just as often she informs me she would like to "be loud now." Much to Chicken's chagrin.

rebecca's picture

a name

What with family in town and tons of snow, we've felt pretty busy at our house. Last Sunday, with my dad and Wayne's parents and Victor, Camilla, and Cameron, Wayne gave Aderyn a name and a priesthood blessing. Now she's official.

It snowed enough that they canceled Church again for the second time in three weeks. We've gotten quite a lot of cold and a lot of snow. Brrr. Paela doesn't object to putting her coat and mittens on anymore before we go outside -- she gets it and agrees with our reasons for putting them on her. She also "goes to sleep" by snuggling into Wayne's chest whenever he carries her so she can stay even warmer.  read more »

rebecca's picture


I got bugs in my nose.

Help! Dare's BEES on my dingers! [translation: dirt is tickling my fingers and I want my hands wiped clean, please. Yes, please.]

Us: How can we ask nicely?  Her: Ni-ice!

Her: [throwing tantrum and crying] Us: You still haven't told me what you want, Paela. What do you want? You want another cracker? You want some water? You want to go outside? Her: [suddenly calms and looks at us] Okay! I be happy now!

wayne's picture


Our first Christmas without extended family. It wasn't 'planned' in the sense that we hadn't intended things to play out this way, but the baby's late due date and the c-section surgery changed our ability to travel. We were determined to create some sort of lasting traditions, but weren't confident how.  read more »

rebecca's picture

whirling swirling snowstorm

It's snowing outside. Has been most of the night and into the day. They canceled Church, and we're all cozied up today. We watched a bit of the Church library's scripture stories on DVD this morning, and sang some Christmas songs. And felt the snow, though Paela insisted she needed mittens to touch it (who can blame her?).  read more »

rebecca's picture

squeaker squeak squeaking

Aderyn has the funniest cry ever. And we knew it wasn't just us noticing when we overheard Paela playing with her dolls. Her dolls cry now with a wha-hiccough, wha-hiccough, wha-hiccough pattern. When we asked Paela how her sister cries, she demonstrated yet again: wha-hiccough! wha-hiccough!
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