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All our major writings, including weekly updates.
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rebecca's picture

spilling cookies

As we decorated Christmas cookies, Paela saw Wayne shake some sprinkles on a cookie. She touched her daddy's hand and said "No, Daddy, don't spill." As we explained that it was okay, that we were decorating the cookies, she listened carefully. The rest of the evening, she would ask if she, too, could spill on another cookie.
wayne's picture

The christmas spirit strikes

mourning the loss of her hair

I'm trying to raise awareness in TMS, or Toddler Mullet Syndrome. While it generally afflicts little girls with straight hair, our Paela was beginning to show the early symptoms. In order to strike at TMS before it claimed our wavy-haired child, we resolutely decided that giving her a haircut was the appropriate action. She was complacent about the idea to begin with and properly sat in her high chair, ready for the new experience. It wasn't until the very moment after the first hair was cut that she panicked. My favorite image is of her holding a lost lock of hair and soulfully mourning the detachment.  read more »

wayne's picture

it's quiet now...

Paela recites one of her favorite books. She used to do this all the time back in June, but we never were able to get it on video. This is also a 'quieter' reading.


wayne's picture

Tears Tears

rebecca's picture

fuzzy brains, with a side of snow


It's not surprising, I'm sure, that we're all a little fuzzy brained here. Aderyn is doing her newborn best to give us a good stretch of sleep, but newborns aren't notorious for sleeping well. At least she's eating well, and hopefully she'll prove it at her weigh-in this week. [I will put in that she is eating well -- better than Paela did -- but Aderyn has some sort of stomach problems and tends to throw back up much of her food.]  read more »

wayne's picture

2nd baby

I'm sure no one really expects to hear much from this week.

We prepared our home for the newcomer. Rebecca and I went in for the operation Wednesday morning and Aderyn was born at 9 AM. She screams like a banshee and her sensitive skin makes her look like a lobster -- at least most of the time. Like babies do, she sleeps and eats and cries. Healthy little baby.

Paela enjoys having the baby sister around. She loves to hold her and give her a pacifier and lavish kisses on her little sister. Rebecca came home from the hospital a little early when we snuck her out on Saturday. And she was very grateful to be home: Thanksgiving dinner in the hospital was the least of the things bothering her.

So, here's to lost nights' sleep and the adventures of a big and loud healthy child! 

rebecca's picture

you're still here!

That was what I heard all week long at work, and then at Church today too, after the tale of our night in the hospital -- "You're still here!" What, no one else's doctor has ever kept them in the hospital all night before without having a baby to show at the end? Ah, well, maybe next time!

Though having a false alarm result in an overnight visit has had the (probably) unintended side effect that I'm less likely to want to call the doctor. And I wasn't exactly overjoyed to call the first time around...Wayne had to make me call. I've had a couple of other nights this week with the same kind of contractions (read, the not terribly intense kind that you can still talk through) every five minutes again, but not wanting to spend the night in the hospital I waited it out. And both times they slowed down 6-8 hours later, close to morning time.

Anyway, moving on.  read more »

wayne's picture


This will be short.

I have been working on applications this past week. There are many to do. I am currently working on the list of schools which require letters of recommendation with the application materials, so as to facilitate the process for my recommendees. Applying to work at universities is surprisingly similar to applying for graduate school and surprisingly unlike applying for a 'real' job.  read more »

rebecca's picture

i dunno

So daylight savings time ending is of the devil. Why do we not just keep it around all year long? The sun setting at 4:30pm is just too early for me. And a Paela waking up at 5:30 in the morning is not such a great idea either, in my book. I had innocently presumed she had adjusted by Thursday or Friday when she didn't wake up till 7am...but then yesterday and today proved me wrong. Perhaps jumping straight to her regular clock time for bed and nap wasn't the best approach...but is there a best approach?  read more »

wayne's picture

put title here

Some trips are easier than others. While I am grateful that I am able to make a trip up to Oregon every year, the eight-to-nine hour plane flights are taxing.

It was the end of October and with it came several ends and beginnings. First, my grandfather passed away. He was well into his nineties and the last time I was able to chat with him I was certain he would break one hundred.  read more »

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