/home/karlrees/public_html/gallery2/bla are you okay? | Wayne and Rebecca Madsen

are you okay?

rebecca's picture

Paela liked to ask me if I was okay every time I coughed the first day my cold went to "bad cough" stage. Previously, coughing was just something people did when they swallowed wrong. And so we would always ask if said person was "okay" and pat them on the back. So when Paela would ask this week if I was "okay" I would reply, "yes, I'm just sick." Just sick.

I'm still sick, but at least I'm on the upswing just in time for Paela to hit the downswing of her cold. Paela and Aderyn and I all stayed home from Church today. And that pretty much sums up the week -- being sick. I stayed home sick from work (so you know it was a doozy of a cold) three days. Aderyn has had a very light version of the cold, thankfully. Paela came down sick Thursday. Wayne started getting the scratchy throat yesterday. So no one escaped this one.

Aderyn did make it to the doctor Monday for a regular checkup. She handled the first shot well, but was turning red with screaming by the third. She's still growing like a champ. She rewards us with lots of smiles and a few giggles now, mostly when we wave her arms and feet about "conducting music", but a few smiles just for looking her way. Sadly, she still doesn't like the bottle, which makes for a rough four hours when I leave Wayne and Paela and Aderyn to go into work. We're trying to work out a solution to this...we have a few ideas we're exploring. 

Paela is busy with her own agenda, which is nice. She enjoyed hanging out with Aunt Camilla and Uncle Victor and her cousin Cameron yesterday. She had said she was sad because Aunt Camilla was gone, so we went to visit. And Camilla made some tasty homemade pasta for us. Paela also enjoyed playing "pooh sticks" at the Charles river with her dad while I had an eye doctor checkup. She is also proving to be talented at picking out good books at the library.

Wayne started teaching this week. He has two classes this semester -- a New Media I class, and a seminar. He has some of the same students as he did last semester in the New Media II class. He's also making plans and coordinating interview schedules for the CAA conference in a couple of weeks. It's the busy season, so hopefully he just gets the light version of this cold. 

And now I'm listening to Paela's Little People asking one another if they are okay. Yes, they are. They are "just" sick.