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fuzzy brains, with a side of snow

rebecca's picture

It's not surprising, I'm sure, that we're all a little fuzzy brained here. Aderyn is doing her newborn best to give us a good stretch of sleep, but newborns aren't notorious for sleeping well. At least she's eating well, and hopefully she'll prove it at her weigh-in this week. [I will put in that she is eating well -- better than Paela did -- but Aderyn has some sort of stomach problems and tends to throw back up much of her food.]

My mom came into town Tuesday, which was exciting for us all. Paela took a short time to warm up to her Grandma, and then took full advantage of having her here all week. "Where did my Grandma go?" was the refrain whenever Grandma went to another room. She also wanted to know if her Grandpa and his funny hats were going to come (she's familiar with Grandpa's antics from instant messenger and the webcam). 

We started our advent calendar this week and put up our Christmas tree. Paela enjoys the chocolate and activity each day, though she does have to be reminded if we already had the candy for today that she can have another tomorrow, not today. We didn't quite make it to story time this week, but we did do some shopping and go to the library for a craft activity on Saturday. Wayne and my mom and Paela also got to go to the petting farm Friday to see some animals.


And Saturday evening, it snowed and stuck this time. Wayne pulled me outside after the kids went to bed to make my first snowman. What fun! We showed Paela in the morning, and Paela was pleased to report that winter is here now that it has snowed. She was also excited to go to nursery on Sunday to play with her nursery leader and all the other kids. She talks about her nursery teachers while she's playing with dolls throughout the week, and on the way to Church on Sundays, telling us about how she plays and learns about Jesus. It's nice that she loves nursery so now.

We celebrated St. Nick's day on Sunday, though we forgot two or our favorite German dishes...chalk it up to fuzzy brainedness again. We did, however, remember the candy for Paela's little shoes during her nap time. She was quite surprised to see "smile faces" (aka m&m's) in her shoes when she walked out of her room.

Wayne took my mom to the airport yesterday morning, and Paela, Aderyn and I immediately missed having her here. Paela likes having a little sister, but I suspect she liked it more when her Grandma was here to play with whenever I was busy taking care of the baby. Luckily, I can color with her one-handed and we can make up stories together too.