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Family Emails
Family Emails
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Family Emails

rebecca's picture

the central air outside is broken

hugging a monkey

Wow, it's hot here. I grew up in Texas and I still think it's been hot here. Especially for May. Especially for the bay area. Especially for the bay area in May. We were wishing we had an air conditioner all week last week. But alas, not in our car and not in our apartment, so we tried to go places with air conditioning.  read more »

wayne's picture


Oh's the thing was good. then we checked out another thing. and we learned about the thing.

Our cell phones died. Suddenly. Maybe it was the cat who chews through our battery charging cord, or perhaps it was just time. Either way, new phones were desperately needed. And AT&T was no help, so we tried Sprint. All things being equal, we probably should have gone with sprint. In the AT&T store, they told us that the reason why we can't get free phones for resigning our contract (even though we've been with the company for years) is that there is a slew of people standing around getting paid who need to get their money from someone, so it should be us.

Solution: order phones online.  read more »

rebecca's picture

hello, guten tag!

toes! Wayne's last months of work came to a close this weekend. I think there are still a few odds and ends to wrap up and exhibit openings to enjoy, but he and Red76's Sam got the exhibit set up at the San Jose Museum of Art Friday. Paela, of course, helped -- even when gallery directors indicated they prefered babies not to be in the museum where ladders might fall on them. Why do they have such dangerous ladders? Who knows? Paela stayed though...she didn't want to be lonely, after all.

Of course, this is just the conclusion of one of Wayne's projects. He still has school for a few more weeks this semester, and will help set up another project tomorrow probably.  read more »

wayne's picture

Monkeys in the zoo

We didn't want to sound boring this week, so we drove to Santa Cruz and played on the beach with Paela this weekend. It was warm enough to enjoy some sand and surf and despite Paela's cold, we had a good time learning about sand and the cold ocean. Paela wants to walk everywhere, even though she doesn't understand balance. But she hangs onto our fingers and takes giant steps in the direction she wants to go.

While in Santa Cruz, we walked her on the sand and down to the water's edge. She would kick wildly when the water got on her legs because it was so cold.

The remains of the week was overwhelming work, as usual. My residency project with Red76 is coming to a close and so we are frantically trying to verify everything is finished and in the appropriate place. We should make our May 10th deadline.  read more »

rebecca's picture

a solid kind of week

goofy grin We started off last week making Melissa's perfect chocolate cake Sunday evening when it started cooling down again. Wayne made the ganache Monday and we frosted the cake when I got home from work so we could invite Chris and Alyssa and Karl and Angela over to sample it.  read more »

wayne's picture

Think positively

Thinking positively is hard to do when Paela is screaming all the time. Why is she screaming? It's either the heat or she might have some teeth starting to come through. If it's the teeth, then we're in for a long time with a fussy baby, because we can't see/feel the teeth at all.

Paela recovered well from jet lag and sleeps regularly during the night. She goes down around 6pm, wakes up at midnight and also at 5am. Then starts the day at 6am. She also scooches everywhere, but no where near as fast as the Rock's child can crawl. He's a speed demon.

We had the Rocks come over to our place. They're moving away from the area in search of employment and so it's sad to lose our good friends. It makes me wish I had reason to leave this area. We pay exhorbitant prices for nice weather and are surrounded by ubercompetitive people -- not my idea of fun. However, our nice weather went away the past couple days, it's been in the upper 80's and sweltering.  read more »

rebecca's picture

deutschland verkehrt!

P1040600Who knows where to even start with such a full trip? We raced here and there and everywhere, all over Germany for an eventful 10 day trip with Karl and Angela and Thomas. Wayne drove the whole time (manual van was fun; lots of snow, not so much; babies loudly protested being buckled into car seats by the end -- or even by the middle).  read more »

rebecca's picture

Guess who's a winner?

gotta read all this paperworkPaela is a cutie. Just check out the latest photo album if you doubt me. She's having longer awake times (once she even stayed up for three hours in a row!), and laughing more and more like she gets the jokes and silliness around her. She still loves going for nice long walks, and sits up for longer and longer stretches.  read more »

rebecca's picture

just one doughnut a day

Chasing DucksWe experimented with making doughnuts last night. They were a smashing success. It was too late to wait up for them to cool down enough to try putting jelly in the ones we didn't make holes for, but later today we'll finish those up. Mmm.  read more »

wayne's picture

CAA and Dallas

Paela SittingRebecca was really happy to have me home.

After a week of conferences in Dallas, I'm very tired and was glad to be home. I'll write about the conference in a different entry, as to cover the important topics for me to remember next year and so as not to bore people with details. I need to make a list -- or rahter transpose my list from my sketch book -- of important notes to remember for next year.  read more »

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