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the central air outside is broken

rebecca's picture
hugging a monkey

Wow, it's hot here. I grew up in Texas and I still think it's been hot here. Especially for May. Especially for the bay area. Especially for the bay area in May. We were wishing we had an air conditioner all week last week. But alas, not in our car and not in our apartment, so we tried to go places with air conditioning.

It's tolerable during the day when we can escape somewhere else, like the pool or a bookstore or the grocery store. But when Paela goes down to sleep at 7pm and we're stuck in our hot apartment, that's a little rough. Paela is warming up to the pool, slowly but surely. She took some time getting used to her tub and she's loves baths now, so we're hoping in time she will enjoy the pool more. She doesn't dislike it now, she just hasn't caught on to how great it is yet. By the end of the week she was enjoying watching other people playing and talking at them (aka telling them what for) [Paela would see someone jump into the pool and then make a very authoritative shout that they shouldn't be jumping. Or when someone splashed too much, she would stand like a life guard and demand that no one should have any fun. She does a very good strict life guard impression].

We also escaped the heat Saturday by driving to Half Moon beach with Karl and Angela and Thomas. Ironically we were a little cold on the beach. Without the wind the temperature would have been perfect, but the wind blowing in from the ocean made it a little too chilly [as the fog rolled over us. That's why I wanted to go there instead of Santa Cruz]. We ended up putting Paela in the sleeper we had in her diaper bag, since we hadn't had the foresight to bring a jacket for her. Wayne acted as a windbreak to keep me warm. We were glad today that we had to put her in the sleeper...she escaped the sunburns Wayne and I brought home. Oops.

Wayne spent most of the week studying for finals and taking said finals. He has one more on Tuesday, and then will spend the rest of the summer working on his own projects and hopefully making progress on his thesis.

Paela has been getting on her knees to move more and more this week, probably half the time she actually is crawling now and the other half the time plops back on to her tummy to army crawl. The knee crawling sometimes looks like a spider walk, which is fun to watch. This has encouraged her to explore a little more, finding things like the fireplace and speakers and mouse cords and dirt in the sliding glass door frame. It's an exciting world out there, for sure.

She also talks and talks. My favorite is when she says "blah-blah-blah-blah-blah," though the "wow" and "whoa" is awfully cute too.

Did I mention it is hot here? 100 degrees is too hot for California, that's for sure. They need to fix the central air outside.