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just hiding

rebecca's picture
"I wasn't sleeping, I was just hiding," said Paela. She put a blanket over her head when we took the girls for a wagon ride, which she's done before. But this time when I uncovered her once we got home, her eyes were closed. She fell asleep sitting up. At 6 in the evening. Though when we tried to put her in bed, she started kicking the bed ten minutes later, so it was just a cat nap. Whew.


This week...I finally got some allergy perscriptions again for the first time in five years. It's a relief. Whew. And Paela got a perscription for the rash/bumps on her legs that are supposed to just "go away on their own" that have gotten worse (itching and stuff) instead. Whew. Although it involved Wayne having to hold Paela down while the back of her leg was covered in blood. And not all the bumps are gone. Hmm. At least the cream takes care of the itch, but I'm not so sure the doctor's solution to the bumps is...um...not ideal.

My visiting teacher brought her kids over for a play date/visit on Thursday, which was fun. Paela warmed up more easily than on previous playdates, though Aderyn took her turn on my lap. Until I held the baby, and she got to put the pacifier in the baby's mouth and pull it out and put it back in again over and over. Which she loved.

Wayne went to man the Axiom gallery, on Wednesday. He enjoyed talking with the people that came in. And I made a 4-hour cake. It was good. My first experience making mousse. I'm sure it won't take me quite that long next time, assuming I make it again.