/home/karlrees/public_html/gallery2/bla Videos | Wayne and Rebecca Madsen
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wayne's picture


Paela congratulates herself by clapping when she does a good job.
wayne's picture

Dancing bears

Paela dances to the oddest music. Here she is dancing with the bear which plays a nice lullabye. But at least you get to see her dance.
rebecca's picture

Let's draw a picture

As she has gotten older, it has become more difficult to get videos of Paela doing the cute things that she does. Whenever she sees the video camera, she stops what she is doing -- or doens't act naturally -- and grabs for or points at the camcorder. Lucky for us, we managed to snag this video of Paela resolutely drawing with crayons. She loves to draw and show off her pictures.
wayne's picture

Finger fishing

Paela puts a fish on my finger. She likes to play this game a lot.
wayne's picture

I like cake

Obligatory cake and ice cream feeding. She eats it, just like everything else we give to our human vacuum cleaner.
wayne's picture

Birthday smack?

Wait, so you're not supposed to hit your child on their birthday? D'oh!
wayne's picture

Opening presents

It's a tug of war match between the cat and the Paela over a piece of wrapping string.
wayne's picture

Pushing stuff

Paela loves to push strollers and her little car. She goes back and forth on this stretch of hallway until she can't walk anymore.
wayne's picture

I'll wipe myself!?

Paela is using her fine motor skills to get into the wipes bag. Oh, the places she'll go.
wayne's picture

Walking around (the christmas tree?)

Paela escapes my arms to wander around.
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