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rebecca's quotes

rebecca's picture

no cash?

"I have ATM!!!"
— The lady in the chinese restaurant upon learning we weren't willing to carry cash around with us, only plastic.
rebecca's picture

Ah, sleep...

I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?
— Ernest Hemingway
rebecca's picture

How to measure an earthquake

the key is this:
anything less than a 4, you're not going to feel unless you are standing pretty much on top of the epicenter and there is nothing going on around you.
4's - sometimes, but you need to be fairly close, and you can easily mistake them for something else - train going by, big trucks, etc;
5's - you can definitely feel, but they don't cause much damage;
6's - you really feel, and they cause some property damage, but not enough to have a lot of people getting hurt;
7's - you're ducking for cover, strong enough that roads and bridges start falling apart, houses come off their foundations, and lots of people end up hurt.
— Erika Andersen, long-time California resident
rebecca's picture

is it that obvious?

Is this your first?
— Most asked question at the hospital all week.
rebecca's picture

kindness of strangers: directly proportional to the size of pregnant belly

Would you like another sample (of cheese)? Especially you (indicates Rebecca) -- you can have as many as you want!

— the cheese lady at the Milk Pail


rebecca's picture

Natural Child Birth

Natural child birth means that no drugs will be administered to a woman's body. The father can have all he wants.
— Bill Cosby
rebecca's picture

putting out that big fireball in the sky

"What happens if water gets on it [the sun]?"
— a very worried young girl at the 3d sun lecture
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