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parrot and keet

rebecca's picture

This week gave us some good freecycle finds. We got a birdcage and decided that meant we should invest in a couple of parakeets for our entertainment. [As a side note, Paela selected to sell two Tonka trucks she had -- but never played with -- in order to help cover the costs of the parakeets.] I told Paela the sign for parakeet, and Paela verbally told me they were her "parrot-keets". I think until this week she hadn't had a need to distinguish between parrots and parakeets. And thus we named the two parakeets -- Parrot and Keet.

Parrot is a very silly bird, playing games like sticking his head underneath random things and squeezing into tight corners, or playing with the bells and mirrors. Keet likes to control things and tell Parrot what-for. It makes for some noisy entertainment.

Star thinks it was cruel of us to put these "meals" way up high and in a cage so she can't reach them. We tell her what-for.

Paela tells everyone what-for. All the time.

We also found a big wheels for Paela on freecycle. She of course has no idea what to do with it, so she alternates between Flintstones style riding and requesting us to push her.

Paela and I found a new story time to go to, and saw some friends of ours at it last week. We think we'll go again. Story time with a craft afterwards is Paela's favorite thing ever.

It was warm enough to go for walks a couple of days this week, which was nice. Then it got a bit colder again, but Paela was hooked on walks so we all bundled up. Paela can push Aderyn in the stroller, which we love. Our neighborhood has absolutely no sidewalks, which we don't love. One more thing to go on the "wants" checklist next time we move.

Cameron and Camilla came to meet our parakeets on Saturday. Paela told Cameron what-for when he tried to climb on her. Poor Cameron. He just wanted a jungle gym, the little monkey.

Everything else was pretty normal about our week. Oh, and we took pictures of Aderyn. She's much easier to make smile for pictures than Paela was, though it often made her tumble backwards to laugh so hard. Good thing she was sitting in a soft place.