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and the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down

rebecca's picture

It's been quite the wet time here. In Church this morning, we had about half the usual attendance. 

They said, either people forgot the time change, or they were home with their flooded basements. We think we have some leakage in our own basement, but hopefully it's minor. We turned on the dehumidifier, but since the water isn't in the air yet, it isn't doing much for the wet floors.

At least this is an indication of warmer weather. Otherwise we would have been snowed in.

With the warmer weather, we've gotten outside more for walks and trips to the park. (though some of the parents at the park commented that 50 degree highs will have us hiding in our house because of the "cold" weather come September...all things relative) Paela has renewed her love interest with "swings and slides." Mostly with the swings, but slides are good times too. It's been evident to us how much Paela's grown as we visit the park we haven't seen for a few months. She's gotten taller and stronger and more coordinated, even succeeding at the rock climbing portion of the park.

Paela had woken up in the morning asking for "Aunt Mil" a couple of days in a row, so I dialed her aunt's phone number and let Paela leave her a message. And Paela was rewarded by having Camilla and Cameron come play! Hooray for phones.

Today we celebrated pi day with pizza "pie" and sweet pies and round sugar cookies. And nerdy conversations about the top ten uses of pi. Most of us only remember the first six digits of pi. The six-year old won the contest by reading it off our pie plate.

Aderyn has been growing lots as well. She's learning to sit up, and loves to smile when she sees people come in her vision. This week she has also started "talking" in a loud, whiny voice whenever she can't see anyone to let us know she's wanting a friend. She's happy while "talking", but it doesn't sound much different than her angry voice. It's a step up from crying to let us know she needs a friend...but a small step. A baby step, if you will.

Here's to hoping your basements all stay dry.