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kites and the temple

rebecca's picture

We finished the bean bag couch! Well, I mean, it's not filled with beans, but with small pieces of scrap foam because it's cheaper and more comfy that way. Anyway, we'll take a picture later this week of it so we can post one next week. It is HUGE. I'm not kidding. Huge.

I had a couple of doctor checkups this week and otherwise finally felt like I got some "real" work done at work. I guess I'm feeling more in the groove with the pace and projects I have, so that's good.

Wayne and Paela had a bit of rain early in the week that kept them indoors/at the library several days in a row. Camilla and Cameron came over to keep them company Tuesday afternoon, which Paela enjoyed. She likes to "play" with her cousin Cameron; he has a pacifier that amuses her to no end to put in his mouth and pull out again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Cameron, I daresay, doesn't enjoy this nearly as much as Paela does. Poor little guy. Later in the week it got hot and muggy, so Wayne and Paela found other avenues of escape from the weather: the wading pool in out backyard, walks in the tree covered paths, the cooler basement, popsicles, etc. The temperature here is so nutty -- one day it's hot and muggy, the next it's raining and cool. At least we get variety, but it is an adjustment from the constant weather the bay area has.

We went to our friend's Peter and Cami's last Sunday for dinner and enjoyed hanging out with them. We wished Paela could stay up longer so we had more time, but so it goes. Sundays are a trick with Paela (because naptime conflicts exactly with the time Church is) that we think we're finally figuring out so she's not so grumpy in the late afternoon/evening from too little nap but still can be sleepy enough to sleep all night.

We got to explore Cambridge a bit Wednesday. We went to a couple of art/science museums MIT has, and had a picnic dinner before coming home again. It was very obvious when we hit the "campus" part of downtown -- lots of bikes and pedestrians and little random shops everywhere.

Thursday Camilla brought Cameron over again and babysat Paela for us so we could go to the Boston temple. It was a most peaceful evening for us, and we're very glad Camilla was so willing to help out! Paela asked me first thing the next morning where the baby was. I was impressed she remembered he had been there the night before!

And Saturday, after spending some time dominating the spiders and ants and weekly dust,  we headed to Camilla and Victor's place. They took us to visit the beach before a rainstorm drove us home again. It was lovely kite flying weather (yay for sports kites!) and Paela had a grand time playing in the sand. No one was brave enough to see how cold the water was, exactly, but we're pretty sure it was pretty cold. Camilla and Victor warmed us up and fed us yummy food before Paela's pumpkin-turning hour was upon us.

And today I got a calling at Church. I'll be teaching in primary again, it seems. Wayne is still calling-free for now. :)