Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What am I grateful for?

Two chef hats
 Moose and Owl hats lunches
A Jesse gal and a Woody guy
My Macho man is leaving this week and I am grateful for all he brought with him.

Love ya you little tiny, smelly, cute fella

Monday, September 19, 2011

Here's your new post...

So you want to see something new?

How about this?

I can reveal that I falcon punched my awesome niece 
and how white my legs are all in one picture.

 Can you?

to celebrate her 16th year of life I have a collage of portraits of her.
You know-for posterity.

Love your guts McKennedy

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Perfect Decoration

 I finally found what I should put on the last empty shelf in the house.
She fits and you can close the door...
Who need a pack and play?

Monday, June 27, 2011

My name is Lucy...

And I have an eating disorder.

It's called Body Food Syndrome.

I can't eat without it getting on my entire body.

Every.  Single.  Meal.